Who am I?
UI Designer : I am a Sr. UI Designer at Mzinga
HGTV addict :รย Maybe less so these days. But I get cable to have HGTV mostly.
Industrial design hobbyist : I fawn over elegant industrial designs where engineering meets design and usability.
Inquisitor of cool things : I won’t say I am a cool hunter but I do like to spot the trends before they become trends.
Collector of useful tools : In my tool bag as a UI designer for web applications and as a 20 something knowledge worker in high tech industry, Iรย รย รย collect useful digital tools (mostly web apps that make my life easier). I am known for knowing just the right set of tools.
Short Bio:
I was born and raised in Burma. Then I got up and moved to Boston for my undergrad education. Then, I stick around Boston.
I have an engineering degree from MIT but I discovered my creative side while working as an IT consultant for Sapient. That led me to land a job as a UI Designer at Cisco WebEx. Now I am at Mzinga, a leading company in Social Media industry, working with great colleagues.