{"id":81,"date":"2008-12-11T17:18:54","date_gmt":"2008-12-11T22:18:54","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/thinkstick.dreamhosters.com\/?p=81"},"modified":"2008-12-14T00:12:53","modified_gmt":"2008-12-14T05:12:53","slug":"cooper-journal-designing-time-to-think","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/thinkstick.dreamhosters.com\/2008\/12\/cooper-journal-designing-time-to-think\/","title":{"rendered":"Post from Cooper Journal: Designing time to think"},"content":{"rendered":"
I selected the part of the original post that I consider more relevant to everyone rather than the latter part which is more relevant to me as an interaction designer.<\/p>\n
An insightful post and I should at least attempt to listen to the talk that sparked this blog post. I’m not good with listening to long talks. My attention span isn’t long enough and I have to save time to think!<\/p>\n
Original source : http:\/\/www.cooper.com\/journal\/2008\/12\/designing_ti…<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
Designing time to think<\/h3>\n
by Emma van Niekerk<\/a> on December 5, 2008<\/div>\nI was busy with production work last week, and in the background I listened to the Google TechTalk by David Levy, “No time to think<\/a>.” In spite of the title (and my partial attention), it really got me thinking. Levy suggests that we are in an information environmental crisis<\/em>, that we need silence and sanctuary for creative reflection and engagement. He explains that Nobel Laureate Barbara McKlintock<\/a> was able to see further and deeper into genetics than anyone had before because she took the time to look and to hear what the material had to say to her. At Harvard, students asked her “where does one get the time to look and think?” They argued that the pace of current research seems to preclude such a contemplative stance.<\/p>\n
This is a pressure we can all relate to. I struggle to find the time to think deep thoughts. Every time I try, I interrupt myself to check my email or text messages, or track the latest news headlines. Randall Munroe over at xkcd.com seems to have the same problem<\/a>. It seems that my attention span is inversely proportional to the number of “productivity” tools and toys I have. As much as I love it, my iPhone has been the worst thing I could have done for my ability to focus.<\/p>\n